Friday, July 3, 2009

To All oF My "Lil sPaRklErs"

So tomorrow is the 4th of July.. And after Bakerella got that letter from that SWEET B-friend.. I asked my self. What could I do to show some Armed Service spirit? I thought why do we FIGHT? Go to war with other countries? And what came to my mind was "FAMILY" our "FAMILY'S". Who makes up family's? Our *Lil SpaRkLer's* our kids. This is what I came up with. For all of the KIDS out there. That do not have there parents or parent with them this Holiday. Cause the lil sparkler's are why we do what we do..

ThAnk You!!!!

These are just simple store bought creme filled cookies, any kind will do. Rolled in melted chocolate, then rolled in sprinkles. Very simple to make, and are great when you do not want to turn on the oven in those HOT months.

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