Friday, July 10, 2009

DiApper CaKEs

"OK" so Who said cakes or cupcakes had to be eatable? I made these a while ago for a BaBy ShOweR. The baby shower party was a JuNgle theme. At the time I did not have this blog. So sorry about the poor Pic'S. I used my CiRcUt machine to cut all those leafs you see as well as the "BABY ELIJAH" and "IT'S A BOY" sign. I hope that you may get a little excite/creative will you next BaBy Shower gift. The big cake is 3 tier and the two smaller cakes to the side of the bigger cake, I call them cupcakes. In addition to these 3 pieces. I also made cupcakes for the center pieces on each table. I do not have pictures of those. But each cupcake had a different animal. Griffie, Hippo, Elephant they looked just like the other cupcakes. With out the "IT'S A BOY" sign.

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