Tuesday, June 23, 2009

About me!!

Ok, so this is my first ever blog. I'm really not sure how these thing work. But I found a fellow blogger "Bakerella". So I figured what the heck lets do this.

As you can tell by my title. I love cupcakes. I can not find enough reasons to make them. Over the last few months. I have tried some of "Baerella" recipes. I made her cheese cake pop, fun food, and her cheese cake bites. All of them were very good and fun to make.

So we will see how this blog-thing will work. But I will try to keep up with the updates. I have my sons birthday coming up. And I'm planning on making "NEMO" cupcakes. I will post pictures. And you can tell me what you think.


  1. Your not alone.
    I just made my very first blog too & trying to get the hang of things.
    And so far I think your blog is coming along just great. ^-^
    I also like cupcakes too. =)


    Oh, sorry! ^-^';
    You don't know me but, I'm just passing by. I found your blog by using "Next Blog=>" button in the nav bar above.

    Hope you don't mind...

  2. I love your page! Great start! You got talent. Keep it up! I'm waiting for your next post.

  3. Hey Sweetheart ~ I finally got hooked up to tell you, I think Ethan's cake looks GREAT!!!
    When you have time, to post again, let us all know what you're up to next. I'm dying to see. It's so nice to have so many talented people in our family.^~^

    OXOX's Aunt Bunny
