Sunday, August 30, 2009

"CUpCAke ChARms"

Ive been working on this idea for a little while now. Cupcake charms, here I was thinking I came up with this idea all on my own.

Then I decide to do some looking on the web. Little did I know that they are all over the place. These are just a few of the ones I made.

All these charms are made out of Fimo polymer clay. You can really do anything with these charms. Make a necklace, bracelet, cell phone charms.

Monday, July 27, 2009

NeMo PaRty...CAKe

So I did not get to make cupcakes. For my son's 5th B-day PaRty, this is what I did. I went to Costco and bought one of there cakes. Then I decorated myself, with NemO fondant cut outs. Chocolate shape sea shells and fondant flowers. I added clear sprinkles in the center of the cake. Just for some added EyE CANDY.. I think all and all it came out really good.

Friday, July 10, 2009

DiApper CaKEs

"OK" so Who said cakes or cupcakes had to be eatable? I made these a while ago for a BaBy ShOweR. The baby shower party was a JuNgle theme. At the time I did not have this blog. So sorry about the poor Pic'S. I used my CiRcUt machine to cut all those leafs you see as well as the "BABY ELIJAH" and "IT'S A BOY" sign. I hope that you may get a little excite/creative will you next BaBy Shower gift. The big cake is 3 tier and the two smaller cakes to the side of the bigger cake, I call them cupcakes. In addition to these 3 pieces. I also made cupcakes for the center pieces on each table. I do not have pictures of those. But each cupcake had a different animal. Griffie, Hippo, Elephant they looked just like the other cupcakes. With out the "IT'S A BOY" sign.

Friday, July 3, 2009

To All oF My "Lil sPaRklErs"

So tomorrow is the 4th of July.. And after Bakerella got that letter from that SWEET B-friend.. I asked my self. What could I do to show some Armed Service spirit? I thought why do we FIGHT? Go to war with other countries? And what came to my mind was "FAMILY" our "FAMILY'S". Who makes up family's? Our *Lil SpaRkLer's* our kids. This is what I came up with. For all of the KIDS out there. That do not have there parents or parent with them this Holiday. Cause the lil sparkler's are why we do what we do..

ThAnk You!!!!

These are just simple store bought creme filled cookies, any kind will do. Rolled in melted chocolate, then rolled in sprinkles. Very simple to make, and are great when you do not want to turn on the oven in those HOT months.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"Triple Chocolate Trifle" thanks Bakerella....

So, I'm a BIG FAN of, and she did a "triple chocolate trifle". It looked so YUMMM to me I had to try it. But of course I had to put my spin on it. I love cupcakes, so I got reg. chocolate cupcakes. Got a pastry bag, and filled them with chocolate pudding. froze them, then topped with whipped cream.. YUMMMMMM!!!! They were so goooood.....

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

About me!!

Ok, so this is my first ever blog. I'm really not sure how these thing work. But I found a fellow blogger "Bakerella". So I figured what the heck lets do this.

As you can tell by my title. I love cupcakes. I can not find enough reasons to make them. Over the last few months. I have tried some of "Baerella" recipes. I made her cheese cake pop, fun food, and her cheese cake bites. All of them were very good and fun to make.

So we will see how this blog-thing will work. But I will try to keep up with the updates. I have my sons birthday coming up. And I'm planning on making "NEMO" cupcakes. I will post pictures. And you can tell me what you think.